1. Problem
Property managers (PM) can edit the GTHY Pro content in a very dense hub online, but they also need a way to access information on the go and become more efficient with their X.
The companion app displays content and provides access to data that is available in GTHY Pro. The app also allows housekeepers, inspectors, and maintenance to see their assignments and update status for a property.
2. Plan
- Cross platform, one app branded GTHY with only the name of the property management company
- Read-only access to GTHY Pro data (properties, units, guests, owners, directory)
- Specific searches within each lists
- Edit data for reservations
- Current and future occupancy for units
- The ability to send and receive messages while ‘in the field’
- One touch access to other staff members and vendors via phone, email, text
3. User flow
Users are property managers from management companies, which can manager from ten to hundreds of properties.
4. Wireframes
5. Design
Because this was a fast project and a companion piece to the bigger product, GTHY Pro, the team agreed to keep the design minimal and clean. I mimicked the GTHY Pro app here with Google Material cards.
Another cool feature of this app is the use of iBeacons to notify PMs when a guest or maid service was entering a unit